Sunday, 10 November 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 90

Level 90 - Compass

To the right of the door is a list of letters.  N S E W N W E S.

Hold your phone vertically so that the red arrow points towards the N on the door, then press the SET button.
Turn your phone upside down so the red arrow points towards the floor - Press SET
Turn your phone so the red arrow points towards the SET button - Press SET
Turn your phone so the red arrow points towards the list of letters - Press SET
Turn your phone so the red arrow points towards the N on the door - Press SET
Turn your phone so the red arrow points towards the list of letters - Press SET
Turn your phone so the red arrow points towards the SET button - Press SET
Turn your phone upside down so the red arrow points towards the floor - Press SET





100 Doors - Runaway - Level 89

Level 89 - Roman Times

Match the numbers on the doors with their roman equivalent.  See below.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 88

Level 88 - BBQ

Take the lamp and use it to light the BBQ spit roast on the left of the door. When lit you then need to rotate the spit by pressing the BBQ continuously. You should see it begin to smoke, this causes the key to be revealed on the door. Collect the key and unlock the door.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 87

Level 87 - Pattern

Watch each disc closely and see the order and the times that it spins.  You then need to press each disc the correct amount of times and in order.  Start from the far right and move anti-clockwise.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 86

Level 86 - Escape

Pick up the saw from the left and the metal cup. Use the saw to cut a hole in the top left of the door. You can see a slight cut in the bars already.  Whilst cutting a guard will approach you, use your metal cup to knock him out and grab the keys he drops.  Finally open the door with the keys and your done..

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 85

Level 85 - Find a way in

Pick up the rock from the bottom right of the rubbish pile, then toss the rock at the glass panel to reveal an axe. Take the axe and use it to remove the two wooden struts from the door. Next shake your phone to knock the rubbish pile over and within the pile you'll see the key to unlock the door.

Take rock and break glass containing Axe

Remove timber with Axe

Knock over rubbish to find key

Use key to open door

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 84

Level 84 - Cannons

Notice that a key is locked inside a force field. You need to break this shield by shooting the cannons so the flames hit the shield at the same time.

Press the Cannon in the bottom left corner then immediately press the other two cannons at the same time You should see the flames ht the shield together and release the key.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 83

Level 83 - Numbers

Drag tiles in pairs from the left into the middle, until all all tile slots are filled.  Once you can see all the tiles place them into the middle in order from 0 - 9.  The Circle = 0 , Triangle = 3, Square = 4 and Hexagon = 6.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 82

Level 82 - Switch it.

Place the switches into their starting positions then title your phone to the left to make the ball roll into position. Follow the pics below.

Place switches as above then tilt phone to roll ball to the left. 

After pressing leaver to roll ball into pipe it will appear on opposite side

Continue the catch and release method

When on the ground roll ball over the red switch to open door

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 81

Level 81 - Spin it.

You need to spin the wheels making the lights shine. When you press on a wheel take note of the number that lights up, and get them spinning in that order.

Pressing the wheels multiple times each seems to keep them spinning for longer, but keep pressing the wheels n numerical order so that all four wheels continuously spin until the door opens.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 80

Level 80 - Whats the time.

Look closely at the coloured hands,  Red, Green and Blue. Whilist pressing the flower button on the right then coloured hands will turn. Count how many points the coloured hands move each time.

You should see that Red moves 5 points , Green , 20 and Blue 40.  Put that all together for the key code.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 79

Level 79 - Glass Eye,

Pick up the glass eye from the totem pole on the right and place it into the statue on the left. The totem pole then need to be reconstructed, so slide it back into place.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 78

Level 78 - Move on up

Take the steel rope and rig it from the wheel to the dots not yet cabled.  Then swipe your fingers in the direction of the arrows.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 77

Level 77 - The writings on the wall.

Just look at the wall and read the roman numerals. 9999 is the code

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 76

Level 76 - Cut the ribbon

Take the pick off the wall and dig for some iron ore from the pile on the right. Pick up the iron ore and place it on the top + symbol, then take the fire and place it on the bottom + symbol.  Follow the directions under each picture.

Use the pick to reveal the iron ore

Place the fire and iron ore on the + symbols to make steel

Place the two end of the scissors on the + symbols to join them

Place the steel and the joined scissors on the + symbols to make scissors

Pick up the scissors and use them to cut the ribbon.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 75

Level 75 - Measure Up

Take the meter and move it around and on the door. The meter should move to 50% or 100% at certain spots take a flag and place them according to the meter.

Place flags as follows

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 74

Level 74 - Round the block

Control the hand by moving the small ball in the bottom box. You then use the buttons on the left to open and close the hand. Move over the top left block and close the hand to pick it up, then move it to the opposite side. Repeat for the 2nd block to open the door.

Repeat for the 2nd block

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 73

Level 73 - Cut Tree

Pick up the saw that is hidden in the tree and cut the tree at the base. This reveals the code and the hidden keypad. Next pic up the rope and tie one end to the wheel on the wall and the other to the fallen tree. Turn the wheel with your finger to lift the tree clear of the door. Then enter the code onto the keypad. - 1783

Hidden saw in tree

Cut tree to reveal code

Rope on wheel and tree

Lift tree and enter code

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 72

Level 72 - Mouse Trap.

Choose the cheese and place it in front of the mouse hole on the left hand side. This will make a mouse appear. Take the mouse and place it on the shelf to make the snake extend and reveal the code for the keypad. - 39251

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 71

Level 71 - Stones

Look carefully at the patterns on the doors and place the stones accordingly. See the diagrams below for examples.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 70

Level 70 - Battery

Insert all the batteries into the correct positions according to the orientation of the battery.