Sunday, 27 October 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 79

Level 79 - Glass Eye,

Pick up the glass eye from the totem pole on the right and place it into the statue on the left. The totem pole then need to be reconstructed, so slide it back into place.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 78

Level 78 - Move on up

Take the steel rope and rig it from the wheel to the dots not yet cabled.  Then swipe your fingers in the direction of the arrows.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 77

Level 77 - The writings on the wall.

Just look at the wall and read the roman numerals. 9999 is the code

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 76

Level 76 - Cut the ribbon

Take the pick off the wall and dig for some iron ore from the pile on the right. Pick up the iron ore and place it on the top + symbol, then take the fire and place it on the bottom + symbol.  Follow the directions under each picture.

Use the pick to reveal the iron ore

Place the fire and iron ore on the + symbols to make steel

Place the two end of the scissors on the + symbols to join them

Place the steel and the joined scissors on the + symbols to make scissors

Pick up the scissors and use them to cut the ribbon.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 75

Level 75 - Measure Up

Take the meter and move it around and on the door. The meter should move to 50% or 100% at certain spots take a flag and place them according to the meter.

Place flags as follows

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 74

Level 74 - Round the block

Control the hand by moving the small ball in the bottom box. You then use the buttons on the left to open and close the hand. Move over the top left block and close the hand to pick it up, then move it to the opposite side. Repeat for the 2nd block to open the door.

Repeat for the 2nd block

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 73

Level 73 - Cut Tree

Pick up the saw that is hidden in the tree and cut the tree at the base. This reveals the code and the hidden keypad. Next pic up the rope and tie one end to the wheel on the wall and the other to the fallen tree. Turn the wheel with your finger to lift the tree clear of the door. Then enter the code onto the keypad. - 1783

Hidden saw in tree

Cut tree to reveal code

Rope on wheel and tree

Lift tree and enter code

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 72

Level 72 - Mouse Trap.

Choose the cheese and place it in front of the mouse hole on the left hand side. This will make a mouse appear. Take the mouse and place it on the shelf to make the snake extend and reveal the code for the keypad. - 39251

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 71

Level 71 - Stones

Look carefully at the patterns on the doors and place the stones accordingly. See the diagrams below for examples.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 70

Level 70 - Battery

Insert all the batteries into the correct positions according to the orientation of the battery.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 69

Level 69 - Fruity

On the left is a grater, hold the handle and lift the grater to reveal some coloured dots. These dots represent the colour order or the fruit you need to grate.

 Firstly pick up an apple and rub it on the grate. It should produce a pulp. Pick up the pulp and put it in the glass on the door.  If you pick the wrong fruit just put it into the bin and pick up another bit of fruit

Repeat again for two green limes

a blue berry

and lastly a red apple again

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 68

Level 68 - Its right in front of you.

The code is right in front of your eyes - 375 00 621

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 67

Level 67 - Swept away

Pick up the broom and sweep your finger across the pile or dirt until a green piece of glass appears.

Pick up the piece of glass and place it into the top middle spot above the door

Next you need to press the grey buttons so that the lights appear in a pattern similar to the stripes.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 66

Level 66 - Pattern lock

First of all slide all the padlocks to the left which will reveal the pattern you need to draw with your finger

Start from the green dot and draw up and across

Start at the green dot and follow the pattern

Start at the green dot and follow the pattern

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 65

Level 65 - Green star

Look at the pattern above the door and press the green dots in that order.  I have numbered them below.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 62

Level 62 - Lights

You need to position the light bulbs into the light fittings in such a way that they light from brightest to dimmest.

Take one bulb and place it in the last fitting, and pull the chain. (Make sure the lights change)
Take another bulb and place it int the second fitting and pull the chain.
Place a bulb in the first fitting and the door should open.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 64

Level 64 - A bugs life

Pick up the tape and use it to cover up one of the bug zappers. Then press the zapper that is covered to cause the bugs to move. When they are over the zapper covered in tape you can pick them up and place them in the jar.  Next shake your device so the bugs start to glow and the door opens.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 63

Level 63 - Fog it up.

Pick up the net and use it to scoop a flint stone from the water. Take the flint stone and use it to light the wood pile. A fire should now be burning. Pick up the pot and fill it with water, then place it onto the fire.

The mirror at the top right should fog and reveal the numbers 45789. Enter the code into the keypad.

100 Doors - Runaway - Level 61

Level 61 - Jewels

Take the pick from the right hand side and use it on the sparkling rocks on the left. Keep picking away at the rocks until you find the jewels.

The place the jewels in order from left to right into the light to reveal a number for each one.

Put the numbers together to make up the code.  - 7458

Pick at the rocks to find the jewels